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7 Useful Features to Consider When Shopping for a Home Treadmill

When picking out a home treadmill, you have many choices. There are certain designs, brands, treadmill belt sizes among a variety of features and functions.

With so so many options, it can get pretty confusing. I created an item list that you should consider when choosing your at home treadmill.

1 Power Incline

A treadmill that has an power incline can be very useful. You can ramp up your treadmill and use it almost as a stair stepper. Also the include helps you simulate real world running. Experts recommend running at an incline of 1 or 2 for a better workout. It’s also easier on your joints to run at a slight incline.

2 Space Saver Integration

If you’re tight on space or your treadmill is in a room that doubles as a guest room consider getting one that can be folded up. Home treadmills that fold-up and roll away use Space Saver Technology. I had this feature on my ProForm treadmill that I used in my basement and it came in very handy. It folds easily and clips for safety. You could then easily transport the treadmill to anyplace you wish by rolling it.

3 Cup Holder

It may sound simple but chances are you’re going to want to drink while you’re running. Some basic treadmill models do not come with a cup holder. That’s okay because you can purchase a clip on cup holder. However the integrated ones tend to work better.

4 Heart Rate Monitor

When you run it can be extremely helpful to know what your heart rate is. This can help you make sure you’re working hard, but not too hard.

5 Pre-programmed Workouts

Consider finding a treadmill with pre-set programs. The programs can help you get started on a treadmill. They also come in very handy when you’re just not sure what type of workout you want to do. Or if you’re feeling unmotivated. The program simply forces you to do the work – no decision necessary.

6 Treadmill Mat

A treadmill mat is an extra accessory. It’s not something that comes with most treadmills. It’s something extra that you’ll have to purchase. However, a treadmill mat can help save your treadmill. It prevents electricity to build up and it helps keep the dust and debris out of your treadmill belt and base. It can also protect your carpet or flooring. slight incline.

7 iFit Integration

iFit is a great treadmill technologies. If you’re shopping for a treadmill visit the iFit store and read about the various features and benefits. You can get a treadmill that’s set up to integrate with iFit. This means the ability to track your calories and miles. You can also use iFit to run anywhere in the world. Imagine running though the streets of Paris or the forests of Germany. Or better yet, imagine running on the beach!

Other accessories to consider include:

  • Built in iPod jack so you can listen to your favorite music while you exercise
  • Deck so you can read magazines or watch your iPad while you workout.
  • Built in DVD player and monitor

Here Are A Few Other Must Haves

A good motor. If you’re planning on using the treadmill daily you’ll want a sizable motor. The larger the motor the longer your treadmill will last. It will be durable. Look for a treadmill with a motor larger than 2.0 horsepower.

Speed. Imagine your speed improves beyond what your treadmill can handle. That would mean you might want to consider purchasing a new treadmill. While this isn’t highly likely, double check the max speed and consider making sure your treadmill can go up to 10 MPH. If you are wondering, that is actually considered a six minute mile. Not in my lifetime!

If you can run that on a treadmill, wow! You are a star. Most people run an average of ten’ish minutes per mile while jogging is much slower. If you are only a jogger, that is advisable too and is considered to be great for your cardiovascular and is easier on the joints than running.

Good sized base. You want to be able to run comfortably on your treadmill. If the running base is too narrow or too short you’re going to have an awkward stride. Altering your stride to fit your treadmill can cause injury. It happened to me!

Two Features You Can Probably Live Without

Home treadmill features that you might be rather do without and save your extra money?

iPod port and/or speakers – If you own an iPod or like to listen to music while you work out, great. You don’t need to spend extra to be able to listen to your music through your treadmill. Put the headphones in your ears or plug into speakers and enjoy.

Incline – greater than five percent – Having an incline for your treadmill is nice. It’s not necessary but many fitness experts recommend running on a treadmill at a 2% incline. However, unless you’re training for a mountain run then you likely don’t need a crazy incline. Five percent is more than plenty to meet the average person’s needs.

What Else To Look For

You might also want to look for treadmills with cushioned belts with shock absorption technology, quieting features on the motor, heart rate monitor and distance and speed displays. Luckily, the majority of these are becoming more common on the average motorized treadmill. These features help you achieve your fitness goals with enjoyment.

Before buying a treadmill, consider your goals and the purpose for buying one. Where will you keep it and how often will you use it. If your treadmill is going to be a part of your daily life, consider getting as many bells and whistles as you can afford. Don’t forget to look at extended warranty pricing.

Consider the cost over time. Over the course of a year, a $2000 treadmill will cost you five dollars per workout – assuming you work out every day. Over the course of two years that drops to $2.50 a day. Over the course of five years it’ll cost you less than a dollar a workout. That’s much cheaper than joining a gym!

I know shopping for larger expensive items can get time consuming, expensive and even confusing. There are so many brands to choose from and even brands such as Smooth that went out of business. These days, you have to be careful.

I hope this post gave you some solid insight and will contribute to your future decision making. Now you can sift through the most useful and most useless features and narrow down your search.